Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Scripture and the Authority of God

Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today

by N. T. Wright

"We read scripture in order to be refreshed in our memory and understanding of the story within which we ourselves are actors, to be reminded where it has come from and where it is going to, and hence what our own part within it ought to be."
This is an excellent reflection on the Christian understanding of the Bible.  Challenging, thoughtful and worth reading (and probably re-reading).

"It is also an essential way of making sure we are listening to one another, remembering that we live together in the one world made and sustained by the one God we know in Jesus Christ. Reasoned discourse is part of God’s alternative way of living, over against that of violence and chaos. That, perhaps, is part at least of the reason why Paul speaks of our being transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2), over against being conformed to the present age, in terms of “our reasonable worship.” All this is as necessary in discussing scripture as anywhere else."