The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism by David W. Fagerberg.
Worth reading for anyone fond of, or interested in Chesterton. Some of GKC's writing suffers by being anachronistic (Heretics, for example), and some of the battles he fights are long over (his Protestants are not today's Protestants), so a book like this helps to give a good perspective. It also helps you cut to the heart of his writing. No alternative to READING his books, but a good companion.
Hunting Season by Nevada Barr.
Yet another Anna in peril story - I feel like I'm watching the Flintstone's, "DON'T go *THERE*, FRED!!!!". But the action moves, and has lots of interesting things going on. Anna is a strong character, and likable - though I don't always like her life or her choices. I'm hoping she finds ways to vary the scenery. The Natchez Trace is certainly interesting and colorful... but the fun of her other books was getting a chance to visit all the different National Parks.