by George Barna
An interesting book - I dashed through it. I *think* the bottom line is that the Church will become more decentralized, less bound to specific congregations. Not less LOCAL, though, just different. We'll see....From the Publisher
rev-o-lu-tion \rev-e-lü–shen\ n—repudiating tepid systems and practices of the Christian faith and introducing a wholesale shift in how faith is understood, integrated and influencing the worldA Revolution is a fundamental change. A paradigm shift in the way a person views and interacts with his or her world. According to years’ worth of data collected by George Barna, the church is about to see the biggest Revolution of our time.
For thousands of years, Christians have been inventing church, but neglecting to be the church Christ commissioned. Droves of committed believers are foregoing Sunday mornings to live a 24/7 faith unfettered by the clutter and bureaucracy within the church walls.
In stark contrast to both the stuffy, formulaic religiosity sometimes found in the established church and the feel-good, invent-your-own spirituality, the Revolution is casting off anything that hinders a full, vibrant life of discipleship to Christ.