Friday, February 18, 2005

Out of the Silent Planet
C. S. Lewis

Listening to the Markos lecture series got me to re-read this. Very good - worth a re-read, and full of lots of interesting ideas. Lots of Mere Christianity and other writings reflected here, if you have eyes to see them.

(And, like Ransom, I'm frustrated Lewis left out all the interesting philogical details!)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Reading On the Road

Departing from my regular method, I'll just log my recent reading/listening here. I just had a quick trip to Copenhagen and back, so this is what I read/heard while away....

Crossing the Line, by Karen Traviss

Terrific, and dang, if it isn't a cliff hanger!! I want more NOW!

Ex Machina, by Christopher L. Bennet

Good book weaving lots of Trek history together. Whatever DID happen to the Fabrini once they got to their destination? Here's the answer.....

The life and writings of C. S. Lewis [sound recording]
by Markos, Louis.

Springfield, VA : The Teaching Company, c1999.
The great courses on tape
6 sound cassettes : analog. + 1 course guide (22 cm.)
The legacy of C. S. Lewis -- Argument by desire: Surprised By Joy and The Pilgrim's Regress -- Ethics and the Tao: Mere Christianity and The Abolition of Man -- Nature and supernature: Miracles and The Problem of Pain -- Heaven and hell: The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce -- Lewis the scholar: apologist for the past -- Paradise regained: The Space Trilogy I -- Temptation, struggle, and choice: The Space Trilogy II -- Smuggled theology: The Chronicles of Narnia I -- Journeys of faith: The Chronicles of Narnia II -- The beginning and the end: The Chronicles of Narnia III -- Suffering unto wisdom: Till We Have Faces and A Grief Observed.

Charming and chock full of Lewis-ian info. The speaker/author got me to ditch the SF book I was reading (eh - I wasn't liking it a lot) to go back to Lewis's space trilogy which I'm enjoying a lot more than I remembered.