by Alexander McCall Smith
The eighth installment of Alexander McCall Smith's beloved No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency saga is marked with existential upheaval: Automobile repair shop owner Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni -- husband of Botswana's leading, and only, female private detective, Precious Ramotswe -- unexpectedly approaches his wife with the ill-conceived idea of becoming a part-time investigator; one of Matekoni's bumbling apprentices quits; and Ramotswe's longtime assistant, Grace Makutsi, suddenly resigns.
Darn. Now I'm all caught up. I'd put off reading book 7 for a long time, and with this book out, I read it and this one in quick succession. Very enjoyable... except now it will be another year till the next one. Of course... I could always re-read them....
Again - very sweet and moving. I'd love to know how Botswanan readers take his books - if they ring true to them. Yet, whatever they think, I'm very taken with his characters and their quiet observations of the world and each other.