Saturday, July 31, 2004

Allen Steele

Very nice story - albeit a little choppy, showing its short story roots. I read this because one of the recent SF anthologies I've read had a story that follows on from this book. Good cautionary tale - warnings against strong totalitarian regimes, whether socialist or capitalist.

Friday, July 30, 2004

In This Mountain
Jan Karon

Ah. Well... my blood pressure rises as Fr. Tim flounders with depression, not following his doctor's orders and REFUSING TO USE THE INTERNET!!! But, all will be well, or at least faithfully trusted to God before the end of the book.

Seriously, these gentle books are easily mocked, but I believe have a powerful devotional quality, "what if *I* acted on my faith as they do?" As a model for a simple, deep faith, these are fine stories.

Only one book outstanding - I certainly hope there is another in the works!!!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Common Life: The Wedding Story
Jan Karon

With A Common Life: The Wedding Story, Jan Karon fills in some of the blanks in her much-loved series about the fictional village of Mitford, set in the hill country of North Carolina. Now fans can learn the behind-the-scenes skinny on the marriage of Father Tim Kavanaugh to his next-door neighbor, Cynthia, an event that occurred unseen between books earlier in the series.

A pleasant summer read; seemed a little rough (and short!) in some continuity details. On to the next book...

also noted:

Re-read "Rolling Stones" - last read Friday, October 03, 2003 (see earlier entry). Prompted by some rocket stuff (a paper version of the Joyride program) and thinking about personal radio stations, ala the Flat Cat sales in the Asteroid belt. See Radio Free Klingon.