The Planets by Dava Sobel
A lovely, artistic voyage through history, time and space.
Sobel covers each planet, taking a different style and tone in each chapter. This is a very poetic and artistic book - accessible to the scientificly or historically inclined. Or just anyone, I think. Lots of fun!
Stranger in a Strange Land, audio
by Robert A Heinlein
A tremendous reading. Christopher Hurt, who reads it, is excellent. With jut the right vocal changes and accents - he captures the characters perfectly. And the book has lots of the detail and charm of Heinlein.
OTOH, the book it is just plain nuts - and I can see how unbalanced folk might launch into a cult using this book as a text.
I think I'll stick to his earlier works. In my Audio book experience (I got this from - a terrific source for books!) I've listened to The Rolling Stones and Have Spacesuit, Will Travel.
Those were great - I've listened to Stones twice. I might go for one of his short story collections -but I doubt I'll re-listen to this one.